Vaginal Problems and Conditions

Give it the care it deserves... the vagina is an important part of the body!

There are vaginal problems and conditions that women have to deal with everyday.

A woman's reproductive system is very detailed and intricate.

Many crevasses, many folds and many parts... the vagina is an wondrous life birthing and life pleasing instrument.

The vaginal environment change moods daily.

It is a good thing to know when your vagina is speaking to you... it doesn't take much, the vagina speaks loud and very clear.

This page will focus on the different problems and conditions of the vagina that can affect some women.

These issues are not common to most women however some can and will be affected either after childbirth, perimenopause and menopause, a sickness (before, during or after) vaginal trauma, some could even be psychological or inherited/genetic.

These are not your everyday problem like simple infections, itches, discharge, or irritation.

Either way, it is a good idea to know about them. 

You mean to tell me there are other issues we have to deal with other than the usual yeast infection?


I called these problems and conditions because most are not of a cancerous or diseased nature. 

Let's take a closer look at these problems and conditions...

The Change

Vaginal Atrophy/Atrophic vaginitis/Urogenital Atrophy

Vaginal Atrophy is condition that some women will experience that can start during perimenopause and continues during and after menopause.

Estrogen levels in the body begin to drop causing the vaginal environment to go through a change or some may say "to age".

Vaginal Atrophy is the inflammation of the vaginal walls and the outer urinary tract.

You may begin to notice subtle changes like unusual pain during sexual intercourse this is due to low estrogen level that causes the vaginal walls to thin and the deep folds and wave in the vagina to shrink.  

Click here for more information on Vaginal Atrophy


Vaginal Vault Prolapse/VVP

Vaginal Vault Prolapse is a state where either the vagina, the uterus, the urethra, the bladder, the small bowel or the rectum slip, fallout or protrude out of its typical position.

Prolapse means to slip/fall-out/sinking of a body organ or valve out of its normal biological position.

The condition can happen for several reasons however most notably it happens after a hysterectomy which is the removal of the uterus.

It is also possible to experience some symptoms of VVP after multiple child-births and menopause.

Click here for more information on Vaginal Vault Prolapse

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts are small sacs filled with fluid that develop on or in the ovaries.

Ovaries are very important organs of the reproductive system they (2) are located on each side of the uterus.  They are about the shape and size of an almond.

There are several types of reproductive area cysts but the most common type of ovarian cyst is called a functional cyst: Follicle cyst and Corpus Luteum cyst.

Functional cysts are cyst that arises in the normal process of the body and are not of a diseased nature in most cases.

However, like with any growth if it causes pain, grows and changes in shape, leaks, and solid (partly) get it checked out immediately.

Click here for more information on Ovarian Cysts

Cervical Polyp

Cervical Polyps are soft tissue growths ( one or a small group) that are finger shaped or small fleshy bumps ( like pencil erasers)

They are usually off-grey, reddish-purple or cherry-red in color.

They protrude out of the neck of the cervix and vary in size.

The cervix is located between the uterus (bottom part) and the vaginal canal (top part).

There is no direct explanation for cervical polyps it is believed that maybe infection, long-term inflammation of the cervix or possibly douching.

A great majority of cervical polyps are non-cancerous and often have no symptoms.

If symptoms occurs  look for bleeding after sexual intercourse, abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding between periods and bleeding after menopause. 

Click here for more information on Cervical Polyps


A hysterectomy itself not a problem, condition, disease or an STD/STI it is a surgical operation performed on women.

It is a surgical operation to remove a woman's uterus.

There are different reasons why a woman may have a hysterectomy and there are also different types of hysterectomy and techniques that are performed.

The operation often are performed when cancer is an issue and all other treatments have failed.

Considered a low-risk surgery most women have no serious complication from having the operation.

After having a hysterectomy it may or may not cause biological changes not to mention emotional and mental changes for the woman.

Depending on the type of hysterectomy such as the removal of the ovaries will enter into menopause.

Without the removal of the ovaries some women may depending on how physically fit they are and their diet may or may not enter into menopause.

Side note: when you are physically fit and have a healthy diet it can take ten to fifteen year off of your current age.

Click here for more information on Hysterectomy

Vaginal Stenosis

Vaginal Stenosis is the narrowing of the vaginal canal often due to radiation treatment for another medical issue such as uterine, cervical or vaginal cancer.

It is usually a side-effect from vaginal surgery or radiation treatment.

After surgery or treatment scar tissue builds-up on the vaginal walls causing the vagina to narrow, shrink or shorten.

Scar tissue is connective tissue that is thick and fibrous, it forms as damaged tissue, organs or skin began to heal.

Side Note: There are vitamins that can speed-up the healing process, soften the scar tissue and shrink the appearance of scar tissue.

Tissue changes in the vaginal environment occurs such as vaginal shrinkage, vaginal dryness, vaginal stiffness, loss of elasticity due to the build-up of scar tissue.

Click here for more information on Vaginal Stenosis

Rectovaginal Fistula

Rectovaginal Fistula is an abnormal connection between the rectum and the vagina.

In other words, there is a hole between the rectum (lower large intestine) and the vagina.

Most women who suffer with this condition acquire it through childbirth injuries, this is the most common way. 

Rectovaginal fistula can also form from a removal or treatment of a cancerous tumor in the (cervix, vagina, uterus, rectum or anal canal area).

It could also develop as a result surgery on certain areas of the body such as the vagina, rectum, anus or perineum, as well as having crohn’s disease and/or other inflammatory bowel diseases. 

It is possible for feces, gas, pus and very foul smelling discharge (rectum mucus native to the intestines) to pass through your vagina if the hole is large enough.

Click here for more information on Rectovaginal Fistula

Head Pain... Maybe not?


Vulvodynia is a chronic pain disorder that affects the vulva. Which includes the major and minor labia, the clitoris and the vaginal opening.

It also affects the vestibule the skin area around the vaginal opening and up to the urethra (pee-hole).

There are two main types of vulvodynia doctors and researchers have identified so far: Generalized vulvodynia and Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome.

Although, doctors and researchers have not found a clear and definitive cause they now realize and believe that vulvodynia is real and not just pain in the mind.

Vulvodynia affects about 15% of older teenage girls to middle-aged women and can have a major impact on their physical and emotional being.

Click here for more information on Vulvodynia 



Fibroids are something I can identify with because I have fibroids. I had four fibroids when I was pregnant with my first child.

I had no idea I had them or what they were.

I had to have a C-section with four fibroid the size of golf balls and a 9lbs 7oz baby boy left no room for a vaginal birth.

I learned that fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the myometrium (smooth muscle layer/middle layer) of the uterus wall.

I also earned that if fibroids run in your family it is a greater chance to also develop fibroids. 

Most fibroids are non-cancerous but in some women they or it can cause much pain and complications.

In some women fibroids can grow as a single tumor or several tumors and some can grow on stalks that protrude from the uterus. 

Fibroids vary in sizes from a peanut to a small melon.

Depending on the size of the fibroid/s in some women, can enlarge the lower abdomen and cause painful sexual intercourse.

Click here for more information on Fibroids

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome/PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder. 

It is also known Stein-Leventhal syndrome.

Doctors and researchers are currently unable to give a precise cause for PCOS but most believe genetics plays a role.

However, most women with PCOS have enlarged ovaries with several small cysts surrounding the outer edge of the ovaries.

Although the cysts are just one factor when diagnosing PCOS the main trait doctors look for are sporadic or extended menstrual periods and having high levels of androgens which are male hormones.

The high levels of androgen (male hormones) which are produced by the ovaries cause an excess of body and facial hair as well as acne in women.

Side note: ovaries naturally produce androgen in women but in small amounts which is normal. The imbalance comes in when the ovaries began to make too much.

Click here for more information on  Polycystic ovarian syndrome/PCOS

Vaginal Health/ Vaginal Problems and Conditions